
John R. and Dorothy (Cline) Evans and their Woodburn home

          John R. Evans was born April 27, 1899, in Lucas County, Iowa.  He was the son of John T. and Elizabeth Evans, and one of nine children.  On September 10, 1921, he was united in marriage to Dorothy Ethel Cline at Chariton, Iowa.  Dorothy was born March 14, 1903, at Woodburn, the daughter of E.E. and Nettie (Wiard) Cline.  Dorothy graduated from Woodburn High School in 1928.
            John R. lived in Lucas and worked in the coal mines at Williamson.  After his father died in the mines, John R. left that occupation and became a railroad worker at Woodburn and Chariton.  After he and Dorothy were married, they lived for a short time at Chariton.  The family moved Woodburn in 1926, where John R. was employed by the Burlington Railroad until his retirement.  John R., Dorothy, and Jack joined the Woodburn Christian Church as a family in 1931 when Forrest Richeson was a pastor of the church.  John R. served the church in many ways, most remember him as an elder.  Dorothy served as deaconess and as an elder also.  She was a member of the various women’s organizations of the church.  They were also very active in the rebuilding of the church after it burnt.
           John R. was a Past Master of Woodburn A.F. & A.M. and was also a member of the Eastern Star and the White Shrine.  Dorothy was a member of the White Shrine at Chariton, a 50 year member of the Order of the Eastern Star at Woodburn, and had served as a Past Matron.  John R. loved his home and spent many hours planning with Dorothy on making it attractive and comfortable.  He spent many hours in his work shop during his active years.
            John R. passed away on April 4, 1980, at the Chariton Hospital.  Dorothy passed away on February 9, 1981, at the Chariton Hospital.  They are both buried at the Woodburn Cemetery.  Their son is Jack C. 

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